LinnStrument Dealers

The only products that we sell through dealers are the LinnStrument and LinnStrument 128.

If you don't find a local LinnStrument dealer below, email me (Roger) and there's a good chance of a local LinnStrument owner who is willing to show you his. Or please suggest to your favorite local dealer to place an order for LinnStrument.

Are you a dealer and are interested in carrying LinnStrument? Click here

United States

As of July 1, 2024, LinnStrument and LinnStrument 128 are only sold in the U.S. through the Roger Linn Design online shop (under the Where To Buy menu above). However, as of August 1, 2024, the only US dealer with remaining stock is: 

Detroit Modular, Detroit (only LinnStrument 128 in stock)

Other Countries

Technosynth Instruments, Montréal

Thomann Musikhaus, Burgebrach

United Kingdom
Juno Records, London
Signal Sounds, Glasgow

Dealer Inquiries

The only products that we sell to retailers are our LinnStrument and LinnStrument 128 Expressive MIDI Controllers.

We only sell direct in the U.S. but outside the U.S., we welcome orders from any established musical instrument or professional audio retail business (selling directly to end-users) on a non-exclusive basis, that meets the following requirements:

1) You have a professional web site showing that you are an authorized retail dealer (selling directly to end-users) for similar electronic musical instrument brands. Note: We do not normally sell to distributors (businesses that only resell to retail stores) and offer no additional discounts for such distributors.

2) You must have at least one representative who learns and knows our product(s) well and is able to give customers a professional and knowledgeable demonstration. I (Roger) am willing to train your representative in a video call.

3) We provide direct English language technical support to end-users of our products. However, if you are in a non-English speaking country, you must have at least one representative who knows our product(s) well enough to answer technical questions from end-users.

4) In the unlikely event of one of our products needing repair or component replacement, we provide direct English language repair support to the customer, determining the problem by email or phone and if repair is needed, arranging to send the customer a user-replaceable part or arranging for repair. However, if you are in a non-English speaking country, you must work with us and the non-English speaking customer to help solve his problem.

If you are interested in becoming a dealer for LinnStrument, contact me (Roger) at with your web site address. I will respond with our dealer prices. Our minimum order is two pieces, though we permit a one-time single LinnStrument purchase for new dealers, at a smaller discount, in order to evaluate LinnStrument. Also, all initial or infrequent dealer orders must be prepaid. 30-day payment terms are available for frequent repeat orders.

Information for LinnStrument Dealers

Click here for a page containing useful information for LinnStrument dealers.