Hooking It Up

Connections for LinnStrument and LinnStrument 128 are identical except LinnStrument 128 does not have the power input jack, which is not necessary because its power is supplied from the USB connection. In fact, few LinnStrument owners use the power jack.

LinnStrument Panel Connections


(Not on LinnStrument 128): Standard round power connector, for use when not getting power from USB. Any DC power supply, center negative or center positive from 7.5 to 15 volts, at least 300 mA can be used. Or any AC supply with 9 to 15 volts, at least 300+ mA, can also be used.


Standard full-size MIDI IN and OUT jacks. Be sure MIDI I/O (in Global Settings) is set to MIDI JACKS. There's little need to connect MIDI IN unless you're using MIDI Sync or want custom MIDI control of the panel lights.


Full-size USB B (peripheral) jack. Use for 3.7 times faster MIDI speed than the MIDI jacks, and to provide power. Can be used for power with any standard USB power adaptor when using the MIDI jacks. LinnStrument can also be powered with any iPad with USB-C, or with an iPad or iPhone with lightning connector, though see below for power limitations from Lightning.

Tip: To protect the USB jack against damage from cable pulls, tie the USB cable around the nearest guitar strap button. This will act as a strain relief, a trick that guitarists have used for years. See near the end of this page for more info.


Stereo 1/4 inch jack for single or dual momentary (not latching) foot switch (not expression pedal). Functions of foot switches are assigned in GLOBAL SETTINGS. If using a single foot switch, only the Right Foot Switch setting is used.  You can use either Normally Open or Normally Closed foot switches because the unpressed state is automatically sensed when power is connected. By default, the right foot switch (or a single foot switch) is assigned to Sustain Pedal and the left foot switch is assigned to Arpeggiator On/Off.

Connecting to MIDI and Power

Here's how much current LinnStrument draws:

• With default scale lights and Low Power mode off (normal power): 260 mA
• With default scale lights and Low Power mode on : 220 mA
• No all lights off and Low Power mode on or off: 190 mA
• With all lights on in white, Low Power mode off: 360 mA

Here's how much current LinnStrument 128 draws:

• With default scale lights and Low Power mode off (normal power): 190 mA
• With default scale lights and Low Power mode on : 180 mA
• No all lights off and Low Power mode on or off:  160 mA
• With all lights on in white, Low Power mode off: 310 mA

A computer's USB port usually provides 500 mA but a USB hub--especially a USB hub without its own power supply-- often doesn't.

Important: if LinnStrument's lights ever flash unexpectedly, this means it's not getting enough power. If this unexpected flashing happens repeatedly, eventually this could cause LinnStrument to stop working with no lights, no response and all user data lost, which is corrected by reloading the current software version. If you see this unexpected flashing, stop and change to a better source of power.

If your USB connector isn't providing enough power to LinnStrument, there are two other options:

1)Use a USB Y-adapter cable that has 2 flat USB connectors at the computer/iPad end of the cable--one for data and another for power, thereby eliminating the need for the iDevice to supply power.

2) If you have the large LinnStrument model, connect the power input to a DC power supply.

Method 1: LinnStrument <-> Computer

Connect a USB cable from LinnStrument your computer for both MIDI communication and power. USB is better for MIDI data than the round MIDI jacks because it's 3.7 times faster.

Once connected, "LinnStrument MIDI" should appear in your computer. Be sure that Global Settings > Actions column > USB is selected. If your computer isn't recognizing LinnStrument, see the LinnStrument FAQ page, "Problems" tab, first FAQ.

Method 2: LinnStrument <-> USB-C iPad

Current iPads don't have an audio output jack, so you must use the USB-C or Lightning jack for power, MIDI input and audio output. I (Roger) use the following configuration to 1) power iPad and LinnStrument, 2) play LinnStrument, and 3) provide stereo audio output :

1) Anker USB C Hub, 7-in-1 USB C Adapter, about $35 on Amazon

2) Apogee Jam+ USB Instrument Input and Stereo Output for iPad, $159 on Apple's site

There are other products that do the same thing.

Regarding power, an iPad with USB-C will power your LinnStrument fine.

Method 3: LinnStrument <-> Lightning iPad or iPhone

Current iPhones and many iPad models don't have an audio output jack, so ideally you'd want a method of connection that provides 1) MIDI over USB, 2, audio out, and 3) power to both iPhone and LinnStrument. Generally, I (Roger) try to avoid low-cost off-brand adapters because they don't provide adequate power for LinnStrument, but there is no such adaptor from either Apple or any quality brands like Anker. However, LinnStrument owner Miles Parker found an off-brand Chinese multi-port Lightning adapter on Amazon with 3 jacks:

  1. USB (rectangular) for connector to LinnStrument
  2. 1/8"  jack for audio output
  3. Lightning female for power from USB power supply

I bought one and tested it with my iPhone 11 Pro Max. So far it appears to work fine, either with its female Lightning connector connected to a USB power adapter or not, though it delivers more power to LinnStrument while a USB power adapter is connected.

Here is a link to a seller of the same adapter on Amazon:


The "OTG Adapter" is the one I've tested.

One thing to note is that on some iOS versions in past, iOS would reduce output power to inadequate levels if the battery charge dipped under around 66%.

Of course, it may not work on your iPhone or iPad model, but it's worth a try. As stated above, if LinnStrument's lights flash unexpectedly, use a better power source. If you want a completely portable solution, use a USB battery as a power source for the adapter's Lightning power jack.

Method 4: LinnStrument <-> MIDI cable <-> Hardware MIDI Synth

You can also use LinnStrument's MIDI OUT to connect to a hardware MIDI synth or your computer's MIDI interface. In this case, you must power LinnStrument either by USB or (on the large LinnStrument model) by a power supply. By default, the MIDI I/O parameter (Global Settings, column 15) is set to USB, so you must select MIDI JACKS if you are using the MIDI jacks.

Wireless MIDI

I (Roger) have tested the WIDI Master from CME-PRO and found it to be well-designed, fast, easy to use and low-cost at only $59. You simply connect its two little wireless plugs into LinnStrument's MIDI IN and OUT jacks, and it transmits and receives low-latency MIDI over Bluetooth to and from your computer or other Bluetooth device.

Interestingly, CME have figured out how to get the latency down to as low as 3 mS, which is quite an accomplishment. In my test playing 3-note chords and melody with 3D MPE expression, I didn't perceive any added latency or delays normally associated with Bluetooth.

Also, LinnStrument's software creator Geert Bevin has created a way to make your LinnStrument fully wireless by integrating a WIDI Master, an Anker PowerCore+ power source, and a custom 3D-printed holder.

Foot Switches

You can connect either a single or dual momentary (not latching) foot pedal switch to LinnStrument's 1/4" Foot Switch jack. For example, any keyboard sustain pedal can be used. It can be a Normally Closed or Normally Open foot switch, because LinnStrument automatically senses which type is connected when you connect power. If you use a single foot switch, it should have a standard mono (tip-sleeve) 1/4" plug and only LinnStrument's Right Foot Switch assignment will work. If you use a dual foot switch, it should have a standard stereo (ring-tip-sleeve) 1/4" plug.

There are three dual foot switches we're aware of:

1) The StudioLogic VFP2/10B (normally open ) or VFP2/15B (normally closed), both of which work with LinnStrument. Be sure to get these model numbers with a single TRS stereo jack (works with LinnStrument) and not the models with two TS jacks, which won't work with LinnStrument.

2) Crumar Dual Footswitch, available in the U.S. at Sweetwater

3) Saturnworks Amp Switches. Select the "Momentary Double Switch Normally Open" option.

Avoiding Damage to USB Jack

Unfortunately the classic USB jack was designed for stationary things like printers and modems, and not for music instruments. If you pull hard on your USB cable, this can damage LinnStrument's USB jack, requiring replacement of the main circuit board.

To avoid such damage, tie the USB cable around the nearest guitar strap button, similar to how guitarists commonly protect the guitar's output jack. This acts as a strain relief and protects the USB jack. This is especially important when playing LinnStrument in the standing position.

Using an Expression Pedal

LinnStrument's Foot Switch jack only accepts a single or dual foot switch, but not an expression pedal. To use a conventional expression pedal with LinnStrument, you must use a device that converts its analog signal to MIDI, such as the low-cost "MIDI Expression" product. Then you must mix its MIDI data with LinnStrument's MIDI data in your DAW or with a MIDI Merger box.

LinnStrument Stand

The Model 18825 Equipment Stand from German company K&M is a sturdy, steel-construction floor stand that works well with either LinnStrument or LinnStrument 128.