How hard should I play LinnStrument?

LinnStrument should be played with the same range of force used for playing chords and melodies on a MIDI piano keyboard. Its highly sensitive touch sensor was not designed to be struck with the high level of force associated with drum pad controllers, which are often stuck with the force of 2 fingers or a single finger with heavy force, and often repeatedly on a small number of pads for bass, snare and hihat. Drum pad controllers are more tolerant of heavy play but are less sensitive to light touches as LinnStrument is.

LinnStrument's touch sensor is designed to respond to touches as light as 50 grams, about the weight of two AA batteries placed end-to-end with one end placed on the center of a pad. A weight of 500 grams on a pad will result in full MIDI pressure levels of 127. Playing with a higher level of force won't make LinnStrument any louder.

If you have a harder touch, you can change LinnStrument's Velocity and Pressure Sensitivity settings in Global Settings, but not to the degree that it will accommodate playing it with the high force commonly used with drum pad controllers.

Consistently using very high force could prematurely wear out LinnStrument's touch sensor, resulting in reduced sensitivity.

In summary, please try to treat LinnStrument as the sensitive musical instrument that I intended for it to be.

Thank you,